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Import Reviews in Bulk to Shopify: AliExpress, Google & More!

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Importing reviews from platforms like AliExpress, Google, and Facebook is a savvy strategy to bolster credibility and social proof, ultimately driving sales and revenue growth. Customer reviews are invaluable in today’s digital marketplace, offering genuine insights into product quality and customer satisfaction.

Firstly, aggregating reviews from diverse sources demonstrates transparency and authenticity. Potential buyers trust a product more when they see positive feedback from various sources, erasing doubts and increasing their confidence to purchase.

Moreover, these reviews serve as persuasive marketing tools. They highlight the benefits and real-world experiences associated with your products or services, nudging potential customers toward conversion. Positive reviews on Google and Facebook also boost your search engine ranking, increasing visibility to a broader audience.

The influx of positive reviews leads to increased sales and profitability. Shoppers are likelier to buy from a business with a stellar reputation; higher conversion rates mean a healthier bottom line. Importing reviews is a powerful strategy to harness the influence of social proof and drive sustained business growth.

So, if you’re ready to discover what importing reviews to Shopify can do for your store, read on!

What Does It Mean to Import Reviews into Shopify?

Importing reviews to Shopify involves bringing product reviews and ratings from other platforms or sources into your Shopify store’s product pages. This is typically done to enhance your products’ credibility and social proof, making them more attractive to potential customers. These reviews showcase real experiences and opinions about your products.

You can leverage the power of importing reviews into Shopify, allowing you to sync your Shopify store with other platforms on which you may already have built a solid presence. This approach is highly useful when you’re building a standalone site as you expand beyond traditional platforms such as AliExpress, Amazon, or Etsy. Plus, leveraging positive reviews from Google Reviews is something you cannot afford to pass up.

Why Import Reviews into Shopify?

Importing reviews into Shopify offers several compelling benefits for your brand and products:

#1: Builds Trust and Credibility

Customer reviews provide social proof that your products are reputable and reliable. When potential customers see positive reviews from others, they are more likely to trust your brand and make a purchase.

#2: Enhances Conversion Rates

Having reviews readily available on your product pages can significantly improve conversion rates. Customers often rely on reviews to make informed buying decisions, and easy access to this information can remove barriers to purchase.

#3: Improves SEO and Search Visibility

User-generated content like reviews can improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Positive reviews can lead to higher search rankings and increased organic traffic, making your products more discoverable to potential customers.

#4: Boosts Sales and Revenue

Positive reviews and higher conversion rates ultimately translate into increased sales and revenue. When customers have confidence in your products based on reviews, they are more likely to buy, leading to improved profitability.

#5: Differentiates Your Products

In a competitive market, reviews can help your products stand out. They provide valuable insights into the unique selling points of your offerings. They can highlight what sets them apart from competitors.

#6: Enhances User Experience

Reviews benefit potential customers and provide valuable feedback to improve your products and services. They can help you identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

#7: Saves Time and Effort

Importing reviews from other platforms allows you to leverage existing content, saving you the time and effort required to collect new reviews from scratch. This is especially useful for new products or when migrating to Shopify from another platform.

#8: Increases Customer Engagement

Reviews can stimulate engagement and interaction with your website. Customers may respond to or ask questions about reviews, fostering a sense of community and trust.

#9: Supports Marketing Efforts

Positive reviews can be used in marketing materials, such as email campaigns and advertisements, to promote your products further and build brand loyalty.

#10: Demonstrates Transparency

Displaying reviews, both positive and negative, demonstrates transparency and authenticity. It shows that you value customer feedback and are not afraid to address any concerns, which can build goodwill among your audience.

As you can see, importing reviews into Shopify is a powerful strategy to enhance your online store’s credibility, drive sales, and improve the overall shopping experience for your customers. It’s a valuable tool for building trust and differentiating your business in a competitive e-commerce landscape.

Also, check out our comprehensive guides on importing reviews from Facebook, Amazon, AliExpress, Etsy, and Google into Shopify. You will find a treasure trove of specific information to help you leverage the value of reviews for your brand and products.

How Can You Import Reviews into Shopify?

There are two main ways you can import reviews into Shopify from various platforms such as Amazon, Etsy, AliExpress, or Google Reviews. One is generally free, while the other involves investment in third-party apps. Here’s an overview:

#1: The Manual Method

  • This method involves taking reviews from other platforms and manually inserting them into Shopify either by creating new sections in product or collection pages or exporting data via CSV and adding them to your store’s content. Also, you may tinker with your store’s code to import reviews. Please note this process is time-consuming. So, it is not the most suitable for large-catalog stores. Nevertheless, it can be useful for stores with a high degree of customization.

#2: Third-Party Apps

  • You can automate the import process by utilizing a third-party app. These apps install directly into your Shopify store to sync reviews from other platforms directly into your product and collection pages. This process can take minutes and facilitates the process. Please keep in mind these apps generally come with a monthly subscription cost. So, looking for apps that meet your specific needs and budget is important. Check out the Shopify App Store to find out more about these apps.

How to Import Reviews into Shopify?

Let’s explore the manual and third-party app methods in greater detail:

Manual Method

#1: Collect Review Data

Gather the review data you want to import. This could be from emails, customer feedback forms, or other platforms.

#2: Create a CSV File

Open a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Set up columns for necessary information, such as product title, review text, reviewer name, date, and rating.

#3: Enter Review Information

Populate the rows with the corresponding review data. Each row represents a single review.

#4: Save as CSV

Once you’ve entered all the review information, save the spreadsheet as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.

#5: Access Shopify Admin

Log in to your Shopify store’s admin dashboard.

#6: Go to Products

In the Shopify admin sidebar, click on “Products.”

#7: Select Product

Find the product for which you want to import reviews and click on it.

#8: Click on Reviews

Within the product details, click on the “Reviews” tab.

#9: Copy and Paste Reviews

At this point, you can type in reviews or copy and paste the information contained in the CSV file.

#10: Display Reviews

Your product page should now display the review.

Repeat this process for every review you want to import. Keep in mind this process is free but requires time and attention.

Third-Party Apps

Using a third-party app to import reviews into Shopify generally involves the following steps:

#1: Choose a Review Importing App

#2: Install the App

#3: Connect External Review Sources

#4: Configure Settings

#5: Import Reviews

#6: Review Display Options

#7: Monitor and Update

#8: Test and Preview

#9: Launch Your Store with Imported Reviews

Please note that specific steps to embed reviews into Shopify may vary according to the third-party app. So, reviewing the developer’s documentation and watching video tutorials to facilitate the process is a good idea.

Best Third-Party Apps to Import Reviews into Shopify

The best third-party apps for importing reviews into Shopify offer several benefits that can significantly enhance your e-commerce store’s performance and customer trust:

#1: Ease of Use

These apps are typically designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces that make the review importing process straightforward, even for those with limited technical skills.

#2: Automation

Many apps offer automation features, saving you time and effort by regularly updating and syncing reviews from external platforms. This ensures that your product pages always display the most current feedback.

#3: Customization

You can often customize the appearance and layout of imported reviews to match your store’s branding and design. This level of customization allows for a seamless integration of reviews into your product pages.

#4: Multiple Review Sources

The best apps can import reviews from a wide range of sources, including AliExpress, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and more. This versatility allows you to consolidate reviews from different platforms in one place.

#5: Review Moderation

Some apps offer moderation tools that let you filter and approve reviews before displaying them on your store. This helps maintain quality control and ensures inappropriate or spammy reviews don’t appear.

#6: Rich Media Support

In addition to text reviews, top apps often support importing photos and videos, allowing customers to share visual feedback. This can be especially impactful for certain product types.

#7: Review Widgets

Many apps provide options to add review widgets or badges to your store’s homepage or other prominent areas. These widgets showcase overall ratings, recent reviews, or specific product reviews, increasing their visibility.

#8: SEO Benefits

The best review importing apps optimize your product pages for search engines. They can help improve your store’s SEO by adding structured data, resulting in better search rankings and increased click-through rates.

#9: Analytics and Insights

Some apps facilitate customer engagement by allowing shoppers to leave their own reviews, ask questions, or provide feedback directly on your product pages. This fosters a sense of community and trust.

#10: Customer Engagement

Apps frequently offer analytics and reporting tools, enabling you to track the performance of reviews, understand customer sentiment, and make data-driven decisions to improve your products or services.

#11: Integration with Other Apps

Many review-importing apps can integrate with other Shopify apps, such as email marketing or social media tools, to help you leverage reviews for marketing and customer engagement campaigns.

#12: Responsive Support

Top-rated apps often provide responsive customer support, assisting you with any issues or questions you may encounter while using their service.

#13: Compliance and Legal Considerations

Some apps offer features to help you ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR or COPPA, which can be critical for international businesses.

Be sure to check out our comprehensive guides. Each guide provides recommendations for apps specifically designed to import reviews from platforms such as Facebook, Amazon, etc.

Grow your sales with high-performing deals.

Examples of the Best Shopify Stores Using Reviews to Boost Conversions

The following stores are prime examples of how you can import reviews into Shopify to boost conversions and increase sales.

#1: Allbirds

Allbirds is a sustainable footwear brand known for its comfortable and stylish designs. It also leverages its reviews on its website to showcase customers’ opinions and evaluations.

Here’s a look at how Allbirds imports reviews into their Shopify store:

Source: https://www.allbirds.com/products/mens-tree-pipers-deep-emerald

Allbirds excels in the art of reviews by authentically showcasing honest customer opinions. Their comment sections and five-star rating system provide invaluable insights into product experiences, helping potential customers get a genuine feel for what Allbirds products have to offer. This transparency builds trust and confidence, demonstrating the brand’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. It’s a testament to Allbirds’ dedication to creating comfortable and sustainable footwear and a shopping experience driven by real user feedback, making it easier for others to make informed choices and enjoy the same comfort and quality.

#2: Kettle & Fire

Kettle & Fire specializes in gourmet food products that cater to a wide range of tastes and consumers. Its premium soups and broths have become staples for countless customers.

So, let’s see how they embed reviews into their Shopify store:

Kettle & Fire
Source: https://www.kettleandfire.com/

Kettle & Fire maximizes positive reviews through a dynamic carousel display, allowing customers to browse multiple comments at once. This strategic presentation of authentic feedback entices visitors with genuine opinions, effectively boosting trust in the brand’s quality. By spotlighting these honest appraisals, Kettle & Fire not only encourages the exploration of new products but also converts potential buyers into satisfied customers, driving sales and fostering brand loyalty. This innovative approach showcases their commitment to transparency, customer satisfaction, and elevating the overall shopping experience.

#3: Goulet Pens

Goulet Pens offers high-quality pens at various price points. This brand relies on customer reviews to showcase its finest products. Here’s a good look at how it leverages customer reviews to drive sales.

Goulet Pens
Source: https://www.gouletpens.com/collections/favorite-starter-pens/products/twsbi-eco-fountain-pen-black

Goulet Pens masterfully utilizes customer reviews to provide visitors with comprehensive and detailed information. This approach empowers potential buyers to make informed decisions by discerning the precise value and affordability of products. Goulet Pens fosters trust by presenting in-depth insights from real users and ensures that customers find the ideal writing instruments and accessories to suit their preferences and budgets. Their commitment to showcasing authentic feedback demonstrates a dedication to transparency and the customer’s purchasing journey, creating an informative and satisfying shopping experience.

Top Best Practices to Import Reviews into Shopify

Importing reviews into Shopify is a powerful strategy to enhance your store’s credibility and drive conversions. To make the most of this process, here are the top best practices to keep in mind:

#1: Choose a Reputable App

Start by selecting a review-importing app from the Shopify App Store known for its solid history, user reviews, and features based on your store’s specific needs.

#2: Backup Your Data

Before making any changes, back up your existing data, including product descriptions and reviews. This precaution ensures you can revert to the previous state if any issues arise during the import.

#3: Understand Shopify’s CSV Format

If you manually import reviews using a CSV file, familiarize yourself with Shopify’s CSV format requirements, which may include specific column names and data formats.

#4: Collect and Organize Review Data

Gather your review data from various sources, ensuring you have information such as review text, rating, reviewer name, date, and product SKU. Organize this data for easy integration.

#5: Map Fields Accurately

When importing manually, map the CSV file’s columns correctly to Shopify’s review fields. This is crucial for maintaining data integrity.

#6: Test with a Subset

Before importing all your reviews, perform a test with a small subset to check for any issues or formatting errors. Verify that the reviews display correctly on your product pages.

#7: Bulk Import Reviews

Once you’ve tested successfully, proceed to import the rest of your reviews. Review apps usually have bulk import options that handle larger quantities efficiently.

#8: Customize Review Display

Customize how reviews appear on your product pages to match your store’s design and layout. Ensure that review ratings, text, and reviewer names are displayed appropriately.

#9: Review Moderation

If your app supports it, implement review moderation to filter out spam or inappropriate content. This ensures that only relevant and genuine reviews are displayed.

#10: Automate Updates

Set up automatic review updates if your app offers this feature. It will keep your reviews current without manual intervention.

#11: Encourage Customer Reviews

Actively encourage your customers to leave reviews directly on your Shopify store. This can help you gather fresh reviews continuously.

#12: Optimize for SEO

Leverage the review content for SEO by ensuring that reviews include relevant keywords and are structured to be search engine-friendly.

#13: Monitor Performance

Use the app’s analytics and reporting features to track how reviews impact your conversion rates, sales, and customer engagement. Adjust your strategy based on these insights.

#14: Compliance and Legal Considerations

Ensure that your review import process complies with relevant regulations, such as GDPR or COPPA, especially if you collect reviews from customers under 18.

#15: Responsive Support

Seek assistance from the app’s support team if you encounter any issues during the review import process. Prompt resolution is essential to maintain a smooth customer experience.

These best practices help you harness the power of social proof and enhance your store’s trustworthiness, leading to improved conversion rates. Importing and managing reviews is an ongoing process, so continually updating and optimizing this aspect of your e-commerce strategy is essential.

Conclusion for Import Reviews in Bulk to Shopify: AliExpress, Google & More!

Harnessing the power of customer reviews is a game-changer for e-commerce, and how you display them on your Shopify store’s main site can make all the difference. Choosing the best way to import reviews into Shopify is a strategic move that can transform your brand and catapult your sales.

Customer reviews are the voice of satisfied buyers, providing authentic endorsements of your products or services. However, it’s not enough to have these reviews on a separate page; they must be prominently displayed where potential customers can see them.

The right review importing tool ensures these testimonials are seamlessly integrated into your product pages, increasing visibility and trust. Shoppers are more likely to make a purchase when they see the positive experiences of others. This social proof builds credibility and fosters a sense of community and transparency.

Incorporating reviews effectively is the cornerstone of building a killer brand in the competitive e-commerce landscape. It’s a strategic move that leverages the trust of happy customers to drive sales to the next level, ultimately propelling your business to new heights of success.

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Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How Zenbivy uses Frequently Bought Together

Zenbivy simplifies the shopping experience by displaying all the needed pieces of its sleeping systems on one page, under each product that is part of a sleeping system. This way, shoppers don't need to go through multiple pages and guess what goes with what. Zenbivy enjoys much larger orders, and shoppers can have a seamless experience.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Prodigy uses Build Your Own Bundle

Prodigy enables its shoppers to build their own bundle of golf discs, fully personalizing the shopping experience. Shoppers get an easy way to select their favorite discs while Prodigy consistently increases its AOV.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Gravity Fitness uses Bundle as Product

Gravity Fitness knows that it's not an easy task for shoppers to collect all the required pieces for a complete home gym. That's why they have created pre-made home gym bundles for an easy shopping experience. Now they have fewer SKU issues, a higher AOV, and happier customers.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Petliking.com uses Complete the Bundle

Petliking.com never misses an opportunity to offer more products to its shoppers after they add an item to cart. By offering to complete the bundle, Petliking.com helps shoppers to discover additional related items that complement each other while increasing its order size.


Create Complete the Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Doodle Couture uses Bundle as Product

Doodle Couture makes it so easy for shoppers to equip their best friend with the required outfit. Instead of moving back and forth between pages, Doodle Couture offer a complete bundle for pets on one page with a single click. This boosts AOV while making the shopper happy.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How A&D Performance uses Complete the Bundle

A&D Performance always seizes intent-based opportunities to offer additional supplements when shoppers add items to their cart. By displaying a 'Complete the Bundle' popup, A&D Performance increases their Average Order Value (AOV) while helping their customers discover more products.


Create Complete the Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Koala Babycare uses Bundle as Product

Koala Babycare simplifies its shoppers lives by offering complete cream & oil sets. Shoppers can easily pick their favorite bundles and save while Koala Babycare increases its AOV and number of orders.


Create Bundle as product

Spend X Get Y

Encourage shoppers to spend a certain amount of money (X) in order to receive a specific benefit or reward (Y)

What is Spend X Get Y?

"Spend X, Get Y" promotions are designed to motivate shoppers to spend more money with the promise of receiving something valuable in return. It's a win-win situation where customers get a benefit, and the store increases its sales.

Why are brands using it?

How Jose Pizarro uses Spend X Get Y

Jose Pizarro takes advantage of PickyCart and 'Spend X Get Y' to reward shoppers with free shipping when they spend £75 in-store. This is a win-win offer for both sides - while Jose Pizarro increases the AOV, shoppers receive a sweet reward.


Create Spend X Get Y

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Agrestis uses Complete the Bundle

Agrestis makes sure to consistently display a variety of spirits to their shoppers at the right moment. As shoppers add spirits to the cart, Agrestis extends an offer to include more related spirits, resulting in an improved shopping experience and a higher Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Complete the Bundle

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Wisdom Foods uses Build Your Own Bundle

Wisdom Foods wanted to upgrade its shopping experience by making it easy for shoppers to pick their desired syrups. Now it allows shoppers to build their own bundles of syrups from a single page and checking out. This increases Wisdom Foods' order sizes while providing a personalized experience to their shoppers.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Dineamic uses Bundle as Product

Dineamic takes advantage of bundles to package their pre-made meals by dietary requirements, so every shopper can quickly and easily find the desired category of meals and add them all with a single click. This simplifies the shopping experience and benefits both sides, as Dineamic boosts its Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Bundle as product

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Line Furniture uses Bundle as Product

Line furniture simplifies its shoppers lives by offering complete furniture sets in different styles. Now shoppers can easily find their favorite living room and save while Line Furniture increases its AOV and number of orders.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Sobel Home uses Complete the Bundle

Sobel Home never misses an opportunity to offer more products to its shoppers after they add an item to cart. By offering to complete the bundle, Sobel Home helps shoppers to discover additional related items that complement each other while increasing its order size.


Create Complete the Bundle

Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How By Benson uses Frequently Bought Together

By Benson never misses an opportunity to offer more options to its customers. While shoppers visit their product pages, they constantly offer to extend or upgrade the targeted product, resulting in better service and larger orders.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How By Benson uses Build Your Own Bundle

As a professional destination for home gardeners, By Benson understands that it might be tricky to select all the necessary tools to make your garden shine. That's why By Benson helps its shoppers choose bundles of tools with a single click, while boosting their Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Good Store uses Build Your Own Bundle

Good Store encourages its shoppers to build their own custom bundles of soaps. They provide a variety of soaps to choose from and leave the selection itself to the shopper. This is fun, rewarding, and makes both sides happy.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Westman Atelier uses Bundle as Product

Westman Atelier understands that the attention span of the average shopper is quite short. Furthermore, with numerous options available, it's often easier to opt for a suggested bundle that's already curated for you.


Create Bundle as product

Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How Aim’n uses Frequently Bought Together

Aim'n never misses a shopper when it comes to its product pages. It utilizes the 'Frequently Bought Together' feature to suggest additional sizes to product viewers, ensuring that no shopper is left without a solution while keeping its main sizes as the default option.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How BLANQI uses Bundle as Product

BLANQI make it easy for their shoppers to find complete maternity sets. While shoppers receive a fast, single-click shopping experience, BLANQI enjoys higher order amounts without investing any additional resources.


Create Bundle as product

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Carly Jean uses Build Your Own Bundle

Carly Jean offers its shoppers the opportunity to build their own custom looks by selecting the individual items that comprise their desired outfit. 'Build Your Own Bundle' enables Carly Jean to easily provide a personalized experience that shoppers love and want to return to again and again.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Spend X Get Y

Encourage shoppers to spend a certain amount of money (X) in order to receive a specific benefit or reward (Y)

What is Spend X Get Y?

"Spend X, Get Y" promotions are designed to motivate shoppers to spend more money with the promise of receiving something valuable in return. It's a win-win situation where customers get a benefit, and the store increases its sales.

Why are brands using it?

How Proclamation Jewelry uses Spend X Get Y

Proclamation Jewelry encourages its shoppers to spend at least $500 on jewelry in-store to receive free shipping. This is a win-win for both the shoppers, who get free shipping (which can be expensive at times), and the brand, which maintains a higher average order value.


Create Spend X Get Y


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