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Add Fake Reviews to Shopify: Risks & Why You Should NOT!

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Some businesses resort to using fake reviews as a quick and seemingly effective strategy to boost their brand’s image. They believe that a plethora of positive reviews can attract more customers, enhance credibility, and increase sales. However, this practice comes with considerable risks, making it an undesirable alternative in the long run.

Firstly, using fake reviews is unethical and can erode trust among consumers. When customers discover that a company has been deceitful in its online reputation management, they are likely to feel deceived. They may refrain from doing business with that company altogether.

Furthermore, fake reviews can lead to severe legal consequences and irreparably damage a business’s reputation. Many jurisdictions have stringent regulations against deceptive advertising and fake reviews, which can result in hefty fines and legal action.

In the age of transparency and social media, honesty and authenticity are valued more than ever. Businesses should prioritize building genuine relationships with customers and earning positive reviews through exceptional products and services rather than resorting to deceitful practices, as the risks of using fake reviews far outweigh the potential short-term benefits.

In this article, we’re going to take a deep dive into why using fake reviews is not a viable option to build a brand reputation.

What Are Fake Reviews for Shopify?

Fake reviews for Shopify, or any e-commerce platform, are fabricated or fraudulent product or service reviews posted online to mislead potential customers. Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create online stores and sell products or services. Like any other online marketplace, it can be susceptible to fake reviews.

Fake reviews on Shopify typically fall into two categories:

#1: Positive Fake Reviews

Some businesses or individuals may post fake positive reviews to artificially boost the ratings and reputation of their products or services. They may create fictitious accounts or pay individuals to write glowing reviews to make their offerings appear more appealing to potential buyers.

#2: Negative Fake Reviews

In some cases, competitors or disgruntled customers may post fake negative reviews to harm a competitor’s reputation. These reviews often contain false or exaggerated claims about the product or service’s quality or reliability.

Fake reviews can be damaging to both consumers and businesses. Consumers rely on reviews to make informed purchasing decisions, so fake reviews can mislead them into buying subpar products or services. For businesses, the presence of fake reviews can erode trust and credibility, potentially leading to a loss of customers and revenue.

Like many e-commerce platforms, Shopify has policies and tools to detect and combat fake reviews. Businesses are encouraged to engage in ethical practices and encourage genuine customer feedback to build a trustworthy online presence.

Why Do Some Businesses Use Fake Reviews for Shopify?

Some businesses may resort to using fake reviews for Shopify and other e-commerce platforms for various reasons. However, it’s important to note that this practice is unethical and can have significant negative consequences. Here are some reasons why some businesses may engage in this behavior:

#1: Boosting Reputation

Positive reviews can enhance a business’s reputation and make its products or services appear more attractive to potential customers. They hope to gain a competitive edge and stand out in a crowded marketplace by creating fake positive reviews.

#2: Gaining Trust

Customers often rely on reviews to assess the quality and reliability of products or services. Fake positive reviews attempt to build trust with potential customers, as a higher rating and positive feedback can make them seem more credible.

#3: Competitive Advantage

In highly competitive markets, some businesses may use fake negative reviews against their competitors to undermine their reputation. This can create an unfair advantage and potentially divert customers to their own offerings.

#4: Short-Term Gains

Some businesses may be looking for quick, short-term gains in sales and revenue. Fake reviews can create an illusion of popularity and persuade customers to purchase temporarily.

#5: Fear of Negative Reviews

Businesses might resort to fake reviews for fear of receiving genuine negative feedback. Instead of addressing the issues, they bury negative comments with fabricated positive reviews.

However, using fake reviews is a high-risk strategy. It can lead to severe consequences, including legal actions, damage to a business’s reputation, and loss of customer trust. Platforms like Shopify have measures to detect and remove fake reviews, and many jurisdictions have laws against deceptive advertising and fraudulent practices. In the long term, it is far more advisable for businesses to focus on providing genuine value, quality products or services, and fostering authentic customer relationships to build a strong and trustworthy online presence.

Why Are Fake Shopify Reviews Risky?

Fake Shopify reviews are risky for several compelling reasons, both from a legal and business perspective. These risks make engaging in such practices highly undesirable:

#1: Legal Consequences

Fake reviews are often illegal in many jurisdictions due to deceptive advertising and consumer protection laws. If caught, businesses could face hefty fines and legal actions. Government agencies and consumer protection organizations actively investigate and penalize companies engaged in fake review practices.

#2: Loss of Credibility

When consumers discover fake reviews on a Shopify store, it erodes trust and credibility. A business’s reputation can be irreparably damaged, making it difficult to regain customers’ trust. Once trust is lost, it’s challenging to rebuild.

#3: Negative Publicity

When news of fake reviews surfaces, it can lead to negative publicity and media attention. This kind of exposure can be detrimental to a business’s image and deter potential customers.

#4: Consumer Backlash

Consumers who feel deceived by fake reviews may share their negative experiences on social media and online forums. This negative word-of-mouth can spread quickly and further harm a business’s reputation.

#5: Platform Penalties

E-commerce platforms like Shopify have strict policies against fake reviews. If a business is found to be using fake reviews, the platform may take punitive actions, such as suspending or terminating the store’s account. This can result in lost revenue and significant disruptions to the business.

#6: Damaged Customer Relationships

Genuine customer relationships are built on trust and transparency. Using fake reviews undermines these relationships and can lead to a loss of loyal customers who feel betrayed.

#7: Impact on Competitors

If competitors discover a business using fake reviews to gain an unfair advantage, they may report unethical behavior, leading to legal action and further damage to the business’s reputation.

#8: Long-Term Brand Damage

The negative consequences of using fake reviews can have long-lasting effects on a brand’s image. Rebuilding trust and reputation takes time and effort. It may be more challenging than gaining positive reviews through legitimate means initially.

While fake Shopify reviews may offer short-term benefits, the substantial legal and reputational risks associated with this practice far outweigh any potential gains. It is far wiser for businesses to focus on providing excellent products or services, encouraging genuine customer feedback, and building an authentic online presence based on trust and transparency.

Is It Possible to Rebuild Your Business’s Reputation After Fake Shopify Reviews?

Recovering customer confidence after using fake reviews on Shopify is possible. Still, it can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Rebuilding customer trust requires genuine efforts to rectify the situation and demonstrate a commitment to ethical business practices. Here are steps a business can take to recover customer confidence:

#1: Remove Fake Reviews

The first step is to remove any fake reviews from your Shopify store. This demonstrates a commitment to honesty and transparency.

#2: Apologize and Acknowledge

Publicly acknowledge the use of fake reviews and issue a sincere apology. Take responsibility for the dishonesty and express regret for any harm caused to customers.

#3: Explain the Situation

Provide a clear and honest explanation of why fake reviews were used in the first place. Whether it was a mistake or a misguided attempt to gain an advantage, transparency is crucial.

#4: Implement Ethical Practices

Make a public commitment to ethical business practices. This includes a promise never to use fake reviews again and to focus on delivering quality products or services that genuinely meet customer needs.

#5: Encourage Genuine Reviews

Encourage customers to leave genuine reviews about their experiences with your business. Highlight the importance of honest feedback and assure customers that their opinions are valued.

#6: Engage in Customer Feedback

Actively engage with customer feedback, both positive and negative. Address customer concerns and issues promptly and professionally. Show that you are listening and taking action to improve.

#7: Improve Transparency

Enhance transparency in your business operations. Provide clear and accurate information about your Shopify store’s products, pricing, and policies.

#8: Offer Guarantees or Refunds

Consider offering guarantees or refunds to dissatisfied customers as a way to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

#9: Educate Your Team

Ensure that your team is educated on ethical business practices and the importance of honesty in customer interactions.

#10: Rebuild Gradually

Rebuilding customer confidence takes time. Be patient and consistent in your efforts to demonstrate that you have changed your ways and are now operating with integrity.

Recovering customer confidence after using fake reviews is a gradual process that requires genuine change and a commitment to ethical behavior. It’s essential to be transparent, responsive, and consistent in your efforts to rebuild trust. Over time, with a sustained focus on honesty and quality, you can regain the confidence of your customers and rebuild your reputation.

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Case Study: The Cautionary Tale of Sunday Riley

A positive online reputation can make or break a brand in the competitive world of cosmetics and skincare. Sephora, a global beauty retailer, has been at the forefront of providing customers with an extensive range of products, including those from Sunday Riley, a brand known for its high-quality skincare. However, in late 2018, Sunday Riley faced a major controversy when it was revealed that the brand had used fake reviews to enhance its credibility on Sephora’s online platform.

Source: https://sundayriley.com/


Sunday Riley, founded by the eponymous skincare guru, had gained a strong following for its innovative products, winning over customers with its promise of visible results. However, as the beauty industry became increasingly competitive, the pressure to stand out on Sephora’s online store intensified. In an attempt to boost sales and bolster its reputation, Sunday Riley resorted to unethical practices.

The Controversy

The controversy erupted when a former Sunday Riley employee posted internal company emails on Reddit, revealing that employees were encouraged to write fake reviews of the brand’s products on Sephora’s website. The emails contained explicit instructions on creating multiple accounts and generating fake identities to post glowing reviews. This revelation shocked both customers and industry insiders, raising questions about the integrity of online product reviews in the beauty sector.

Source: https://sundayriley.com/products/b3-nice-10-niacinamide-serum


#1: Legal Ramifications

The use of fake reviews constituted deceptive marketing practices, violating Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations. Sunday Riley ultimately settled with the FTC, agreeing to cease posting fake reviews and comply with honesty and transparency standards.

#2: Reputation Damage

Sunday Riley’s reputation took a significant hit. Customers who had trusted the brand’s authenticity felt betrayed, resulting in negative publicity and loss of trust.

#3: Sephora’s Response

Sephora also faced criticism for its role in hosting the fake reviews. The incident prompted the retailer to reassess its review validation and monitoring processes, aiming for greater transparency and authenticity.

Lessons Learned

Sunday Riley took steps to recover from the scandal. The brand issued a public apology, promising to regain customer trust through transparent practices. It emphasized product quality and made efforts to address negative reviews sincerely. This process of rebuilding credibility was gradual but essential.

The Sunday Riley fake review controversy serves as a cautionary tale in the beauty industry, highlighting the importance of ethical marketing practices and transparency in customer interactions. It underscored the potential consequences of deceitful tactics and their long-lasting impact on a brand’s reputation. Ultimately, the scandal prompted both Sunday Riley and Sephora to reevaluate their practices, aiming for greater honesty and integrity in their dealings with customers.


Top Tips and Strategies to Encourage Positive Reviews on Shopify

To avoid resorting to fake reviews on Shopify, the following top tips and strategies to encourage positive reviews will help your brand build credibility and loyalty:

#1: Deliver Outstanding Products or Services

The foundation of positive reviews is providing high-quality products or exceptional services that genuinely satisfy your customers. Make sure your offerings exceed expectations.

#2: Optimize Customer Experience

Focus on providing an excellent customer experience from start to finish. This includes fast and efficient shipping, easy navigation on your website, and responsive customer support.

#3: Promptly Address Issues

Whenever a customer encounters an issue, address it promptly and professionally. A quick resolution can turn a negative experience into a positive one and may result in a positive review.

#4: Send Post-Purchase Emails

After a customer makes a purchase, send a follow-up email requesting feedback. Make it easy for customers to leave a review by including a direct link to the review platform.

#5: Incentivize Reviews

Consider offering small incentives to customers who leave reviews, like discounts or loyalty points. Ensure that these incentives don’t compromise the authenticity of the reviews.

#6: Leverage Social Proof

Showcase existing positive reviews on your website, product pages, or marketing materials. Positive reviews from other customers can encourage new buyers to leave their feedback.

#7: Create an Easy Review Process

Simplify the review process by minimizing the number of steps required to leave a review. The easier it is, the more likely customers will follow through.

#8: Educate Your Customers

Inform customers about the importance of their reviews in helping other shoppers make informed decisions. Explain how their feedback can benefit the community.

#9: Use Personalization

Personalize your review requests. Address customers by their names and mention the specific product they purchased. Personalized requests feel more genuine and are more likely to get responses.

#10: Timing Matters

Send review requests at an appropriate time. Typically, this is shortly after the customer has received the product or used the service and had time to form an opinion.

#11: Engage on Social Media

Encourage customers to share their experiences and reviews on social media platforms. Use dedicated hashtags to help aggregate user-generated content.

#12: Implement a Loyalty Program

Create a loyalty program that rewards customers not only for purchases but also for leaving reviews. This can incentivize repeat business and positive feedback.

#13: Monitor and Respond

Regularly monitor your reviews and respond to both positive and negative feedback. Thank customers for positive reviews and address concerns raised in negative ones.

#14: Show Appreciation

Express gratitude to customers who take the time to leave reviews. A simple thank-you message can go a long way in fostering positive relationships.

#15: Stay Compliant

Ensure your review solicitation practices comply with legal and platform-specific guidelines to maintain trust and avoid penalties.

Creating a culture of positive reviews on your Shopify store will not only boost your brand’s reputation but also help potential customers make informed purchase decisions.

Conclusion for Add Fake Reviews to Shopify: Risks & Why You Should NOT!

Encouraging customers to leave authentic reviews offers numerous advantages over resorting to fake ones. Genuine reviews build trust and credibility, giving potential customers honest insights into your products or services. Authentic feedback helps shoppers make informed decisions, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In contrast, fake reviews can have severe repercussions. They erode trust, damaging your brand’s reputation and potentially resulting in legal consequences due to deceptive advertising practices. Once exposed, the fallout from fake reviews can be irreparable, leading to loss of customers and revenue.

Choosing the path of authenticity upholds ethical standards and fosters long-term relationships with customers. By delivering exceptional products or services and encouraging real feedback, you can build a strong, trustworthy brand that stands the test of time, free from the risks and ethical dilemmas associated with fake reviews. In the end, the benefits of genuine reviews far outweigh the short-lived gains of deception.

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Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How Zenbivy uses Frequently Bought Together

Zenbivy simplifies the shopping experience by displaying all the needed pieces of its sleeping systems on one page, under each product that is part of a sleeping system. This way, shoppers don't need to go through multiple pages and guess what goes with what. Zenbivy enjoys much larger orders, and shoppers can have a seamless experience.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Prodigy uses Build Your Own Bundle

Prodigy enables its shoppers to build their own bundle of golf discs, fully personalizing the shopping experience. Shoppers get an easy way to select their favorite discs while Prodigy consistently increases its AOV.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Gravity Fitness uses Bundle as Product

Gravity Fitness knows that it's not an easy task for shoppers to collect all the required pieces for a complete home gym. That's why they have created pre-made home gym bundles for an easy shopping experience. Now they have fewer SKU issues, a higher AOV, and happier customers.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Petliking.com uses Complete the Bundle

Petliking.com never misses an opportunity to offer more products to its shoppers after they add an item to cart. By offering to complete the bundle, Petliking.com helps shoppers to discover additional related items that complement each other while increasing its order size.


Create Complete the Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Doodle Couture uses Bundle as Product

Doodle Couture makes it so easy for shoppers to equip their best friend with the required outfit. Instead of moving back and forth between pages, Doodle Couture offer a complete bundle for pets on one page with a single click. This boosts AOV while making the shopper happy.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How A&D Performance uses Complete the Bundle

A&D Performance always seizes intent-based opportunities to offer additional supplements when shoppers add items to their cart. By displaying a 'Complete the Bundle' popup, A&D Performance increases their Average Order Value (AOV) while helping their customers discover more products.


Create Complete the Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Koala Babycare uses Bundle as Product

Koala Babycare simplifies its shoppers lives by offering complete cream & oil sets. Shoppers can easily pick their favorite bundles and save while Koala Babycare increases its AOV and number of orders.


Create Bundle as product

Spend X Get Y

Encourage shoppers to spend a certain amount of money (X) in order to receive a specific benefit or reward (Y)

What is Spend X Get Y?

"Spend X, Get Y" promotions are designed to motivate shoppers to spend more money with the promise of receiving something valuable in return. It's a win-win situation where customers get a benefit, and the store increases its sales.

Why are brands using it?

How Jose Pizarro uses Spend X Get Y

Jose Pizarro takes advantage of PickyCart and 'Spend X Get Y' to reward shoppers with free shipping when they spend £75 in-store. This is a win-win offer for both sides - while Jose Pizarro increases the AOV, shoppers receive a sweet reward.


Create Spend X Get Y

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Agrestis uses Complete the Bundle

Agrestis makes sure to consistently display a variety of spirits to their shoppers at the right moment. As shoppers add spirits to the cart, Agrestis extends an offer to include more related spirits, resulting in an improved shopping experience and a higher Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Complete the Bundle

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Wisdom Foods uses Build Your Own Bundle

Wisdom Foods wanted to upgrade its shopping experience by making it easy for shoppers to pick their desired syrups. Now it allows shoppers to build their own bundles of syrups from a single page and checking out. This increases Wisdom Foods' order sizes while providing a personalized experience to their shoppers.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Dineamic uses Bundle as Product

Dineamic takes advantage of bundles to package their pre-made meals by dietary requirements, so every shopper can quickly and easily find the desired category of meals and add them all with a single click. This simplifies the shopping experience and benefits both sides, as Dineamic boosts its Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Bundle as product

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Line Furniture uses Bundle as Product

Line furniture simplifies its shoppers lives by offering complete furniture sets in different styles. Now shoppers can easily find their favorite living room and save while Line Furniture increases its AOV and number of orders.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Sobel Home uses Complete the Bundle

Sobel Home never misses an opportunity to offer more products to its shoppers after they add an item to cart. By offering to complete the bundle, Sobel Home helps shoppers to discover additional related items that complement each other while increasing its order size.


Create Complete the Bundle

Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How By Benson uses Frequently Bought Together

By Benson never misses an opportunity to offer more options to its customers. While shoppers visit their product pages, they constantly offer to extend or upgrade the targeted product, resulting in better service and larger orders.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How By Benson uses Build Your Own Bundle

As a professional destination for home gardeners, By Benson understands that it might be tricky to select all the necessary tools to make your garden shine. That's why By Benson helps its shoppers choose bundles of tools with a single click, while boosting their Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Good Store uses Build Your Own Bundle

Good Store encourages its shoppers to build their own custom bundles of soaps. They provide a variety of soaps to choose from and leave the selection itself to the shopper. This is fun, rewarding, and makes both sides happy.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Westman Atelier uses Bundle as Product

Westman Atelier understands that the attention span of the average shopper is quite short. Furthermore, with numerous options available, it's often easier to opt for a suggested bundle that's already curated for you.


Create Bundle as product

Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How Aim’n uses Frequently Bought Together

Aim'n never misses a shopper when it comes to its product pages. It utilizes the 'Frequently Bought Together' feature to suggest additional sizes to product viewers, ensuring that no shopper is left without a solution while keeping its main sizes as the default option.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How BLANQI uses Bundle as Product

BLANQI make it easy for their shoppers to find complete maternity sets. While shoppers receive a fast, single-click shopping experience, BLANQI enjoys higher order amounts without investing any additional resources.


Create Bundle as product

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Carly Jean uses Build Your Own Bundle

Carly Jean offers its shoppers the opportunity to build their own custom looks by selecting the individual items that comprise their desired outfit. 'Build Your Own Bundle' enables Carly Jean to easily provide a personalized experience that shoppers love and want to return to again and again.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Spend X Get Y

Encourage shoppers to spend a certain amount of money (X) in order to receive a specific benefit or reward (Y)

What is Spend X Get Y?

"Spend X, Get Y" promotions are designed to motivate shoppers to spend more money with the promise of receiving something valuable in return. It's a win-win situation where customers get a benefit, and the store increases its sales.

Why are brands using it?

How Proclamation Jewelry uses Spend X Get Y

Proclamation Jewelry encourages its shoppers to spend at least $500 on jewelry in-store to receive free shipping. This is a win-win for both the shoppers, who get free shipping (which can be expensive at times), and the brand, which maintains a higher average order value.


Create Spend X Get Y


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