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How to Add Personalization Box on Shopify – All You Need to Know

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One of the most common questions surrounding the Shopify marketing world is, “How to add a personalization box on Shopify?” This question is highly important since personalization plays a key role in building your Shopify store.

In this article, we’ll be exploring how to add a personalization box on Shopify, allowing you to create tailor-made product variants to suit your customers’ wants and needs. Additionally, we’ll be looking at a simple yet effective way to add personalization box to Shopify.

So, stay tuned because there is so much actional information heading your way!

Customize cup on Shopify with text box
Source: unsplash.com

Why Is Personalization Important on Shopify?

Personalization is a crucial aspect of running a successful Shopify store. By understanding customers’ unique needs and preferences, Shopify store owners can create a shopping experience that is both enjoyable and rewarding, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

As such, personalization is important on Shopify for several reasons:

  • Improved customer experience. Personalization helps to create a better shopping experience for customers by tailoring the products and services to their specific needs and preferences. This feature makes customers feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.


  • Higher conversion rates. When customers feel like they are being catered to individuals, they are more likely to make a purchase. Personalized product recommendations, targeted email campaigns, and customized promotions can all help to increase conversion rates and drive sales.


  • Competitive advantage. Personalization is becoming increasingly important in the e-commerce industry, and companies that fail to implement it risk falling behind their competitors. By offering a personalized shopping experience, Shopify stores can differentiate themselves from the competition and attract more customers.


  • Data collection. Personalization also allows Shopify stores to collect valuable customer data, such as their browsing and purchasing history, preferences, and demographics. This data can be used to improve the customer experience further, target marketing efforts more effectively, and make more informed business decisions.

Product variants on Shopify are an essential tool for store owners to offer customers a wide range of options, streamline their inventory management, and maximize their sales potential.

What Are Product Variants on Shopify?

Product variants on Shopify refer to the different variations of a product that are available for purchase. Variants can differ based on attributes such as size, color, material, or any other characteristic that can be used to differentiate the product. For example, suppose a Shopify store sells t-shirts. In that case, the product might have variants for different sizes (e.g., small, medium, large), colors (e.g., red, blue, green), and materials (e.g., cotton, polyester).

When a customer selects a product on a Shopify store, they can choose from the available variants to find the option that best meets their needs. The price and other product details can vary depending on the selected variant.

Shopify allows store owners to manage product variants in the product details section of the store admin panel. This characteristic allows them to add, edit, or delete variants as needed and to track inventory levels for each variant. Variants can also be used to create different product pricing tiers or to offer discounts on certain variants.

Please bear in mind that product variants on Shopify are an essential tool for store owners to offer customers a wide range of options, streamline their inventory management, and maximize their sales potential.

Add box to customize on Shopify hat
Source: unsplash.com

Why Does Your Shopify Store Need Product Variants?

Your Shopify store needs product variants because they allow you to offer more options to your customers, cater to different preferences, and increase your sales potential. Here are some reasons why product variants are important for your Shopify store:

  • Provide more options to customers. By offering different product variants, you can cater to different customer preferences and make it easier for them to find the exact product they want. This feature can increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business.


  • Simplify inventory management. Managing inventory for multiple products with different attributes (e.g., size, color) can be time-consuming and complicated. Product variants allow you to manage all these attributes in one place, streamlining your inventory management process.


  • Increase sales potential. Offering multiple product variants can increase your sales potential by appealing to a broader range of customers. For example, customers may be more likely to purchase a product if it is available in their preferred size or color.


  • Improve product visibility. Product variants can also help improve your products’ visibility on search engines and within your store. By offering multiple product variations, you can increase the likelihood that customers will find what they are looking for and make a purchase.


Product variants are an essential tool for any Shopify store that wants to offer more options to customers, streamline inventory management, and maximize its sales potential. By using product variants effectively, you can create a better shopping experience for your customers and improve the overall success of your store.

Grow your sales with high-performing deals.

What Is a Personalization Box on Shopify?

Adding personalization box to Shopify is a feature that allows customers to add customized information or requests to their orders. This feature can include text, images, or other specific details that the customer wants to add to the product they are purchasing.

For example, a customer may want to add their name, initials, or a special message to a product they purchase, such as a t-shirt or a piece of jewelry. A personalization box allows them to enter this information directly on the product page, ensuring that their order is customized exactly to their specifications.

Adding a personalization box to Shopify can be done to specific product pages on Shopify. It can be customized to include specific fields or instructions for the customer. This feature can help to enhance the customer experience by allowing them to add a personal touch to their order and can also help to increase sales by offering a unique selling proposition for your products.

Personalization boxes can be especially useful for stores that sell customized or made-to-order products, as they allow customers to add specific details or requests to their orders without the need for direct communication with the store. They can also be used to collect valuable customer data, such as customer names, email addresses, or other relevant information.

On the whole, a personalization box on Shopify is a useful feature that can help to improve the customer experience, increase sales, and collect valuable data for your store.

Add text box to customize shopify app
Source https://apps.shopify.com/textfield

How to Add a Personalization Box on Shopify

When thinking about how to add personalization box on Shopify, consider following these steps:

  1. 1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel and go to the “Product” section.
  3. 2. Select the product to which you want to add the personalization box to.
  5. 3. Scroll down to the “Variants” section and click on the “Edit” button for the variant that you want to add the personalization box to.
  7. 4. Scroll to the “Variant Details” section and look for the “Add Additional Fields” option. Click on the checkbox next to it.
  9. 5. A new field will appear where you can enter the name of the field that you want to add. For example, suppose you want to add a personalization box for customers to enter their names. In that case, you can enter “Name” in this field.
  11. 6. Save the changes to the product variant by clicking on the “Save” button.

Once you have added personalization box to Shopify product variants, customers will be able to see it on the product page and enter their personalized information before adding the product to their cart.

Please note that depending on your theme, you may need to make additional adjustments to ensure the personalization box is displayed properly on your store.

What Is the Best Way to Add a Personalization Box on Shopify?

Depending on your specific needs and preferences, there are a few different ways to add a personalization box to Shopify stores. Here are three common methods:

  • Use a Shopify app. There are several Shopify apps available that allow you to add a personalization box to your product pages. Some popular options include Product Personalizer, Infinite Options, and Custom Fields. These apps typically offer a range of customization options. They can be easily installed and configured through the Shopify app store.
  • Use Shopify’s built-in customization tool. Shopify offers a built-in customization tool that allows you to add customizable fields to your product pages. To use this tool, go to the product page in your Shopify admin panel and select the “Customize” tab. From there, you can add fields for text, images, or other information that you want customers to be able to add to their orders.
  • Use custom code. If you have some coding experience, you can add a personalization box to your store using custom code. This method allows greater flexibility and control over the personalization box’s design and functionality. However, it requires more technical expertise and may take longer to implement.

Whichever method you choose, it’s important to test your personalization box thoroughly to ensure that it functions correctly and provides a good user experience for your customers. Additionally, be sure to communicate any instructions or limitations clearly to customers to avoid confusion or errors in their orders.


Whether you choose a Shopify personalization app or add personalization box to Shopify manually, you can reap the benefits of product personalization for your Shopify store.

There’s one word of caution: thorough testing of your personalization box is essential to ensure that your customers get the shopping experience they deserve. Detecting issues with your personalization box before going fully live can save you, and your customers, a number of headaches down the road.

So, please take the time to ensure everything is running smoothly. The additional time and effort to ensure everything runs well are certainly worth it.

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Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How Zenbivy uses Frequently Bought Together

Zenbivy simplifies the shopping experience by displaying all the needed pieces of its sleeping systems on one page, under each product that is part of a sleeping system. This way, shoppers don't need to go through multiple pages and guess what goes with what. Zenbivy enjoys much larger orders, and shoppers can have a seamless experience.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Prodigy uses Build Your Own Bundle

Prodigy enables its shoppers to build their own bundle of golf discs, fully personalizing the shopping experience. Shoppers get an easy way to select their favorite discs while Prodigy consistently increases its AOV.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Gravity Fitness uses Bundle as Product

Gravity Fitness knows that it's not an easy task for shoppers to collect all the required pieces for a complete home gym. That's why they have created pre-made home gym bundles for an easy shopping experience. Now they have fewer SKU issues, a higher AOV, and happier customers.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Petliking.com uses Complete the Bundle

Petliking.com never misses an opportunity to offer more products to its shoppers after they add an item to cart. By offering to complete the bundle, Petliking.com helps shoppers to discover additional related items that complement each other while increasing its order size.


Create Complete the Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Doodle Couture uses Bundle as Product

Doodle Couture makes it so easy for shoppers to equip their best friend with the required outfit. Instead of moving back and forth between pages, Doodle Couture offer a complete bundle for pets on one page with a single click. This boosts AOV while making the shopper happy.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How A&D Performance uses Complete the Bundle

A&D Performance always seizes intent-based opportunities to offer additional supplements when shoppers add items to their cart. By displaying a 'Complete the Bundle' popup, A&D Performance increases their Average Order Value (AOV) while helping their customers discover more products.


Create Complete the Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Koala Babycare uses Bundle as Product

Koala Babycare simplifies its shoppers lives by offering complete cream & oil sets. Shoppers can easily pick their favorite bundles and save while Koala Babycare increases its AOV and number of orders.


Create Bundle as product

Spend X Get Y

Encourage shoppers to spend a certain amount of money (X) in order to receive a specific benefit or reward (Y)

What is Spend X Get Y?

"Spend X, Get Y" promotions are designed to motivate shoppers to spend more money with the promise of receiving something valuable in return. It's a win-win situation where customers get a benefit, and the store increases its sales.

Why are brands using it?

How Jose Pizarro uses Spend X Get Y

Jose Pizarro takes advantage of PickyCart and 'Spend X Get Y' to reward shoppers with free shipping when they spend £75 in-store. This is a win-win offer for both sides - while Jose Pizarro increases the AOV, shoppers receive a sweet reward.


Create Spend X Get Y

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Agrestis uses Complete the Bundle

Agrestis makes sure to consistently display a variety of spirits to their shoppers at the right moment. As shoppers add spirits to the cart, Agrestis extends an offer to include more related spirits, resulting in an improved shopping experience and a higher Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Complete the Bundle

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Wisdom Foods uses Build Your Own Bundle

Wisdom Foods wanted to upgrade its shopping experience by making it easy for shoppers to pick their desired syrups. Now it allows shoppers to build their own bundles of syrups from a single page and checking out. This increases Wisdom Foods' order sizes while providing a personalized experience to their shoppers.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Dineamic uses Bundle as Product

Dineamic takes advantage of bundles to package their pre-made meals by dietary requirements, so every shopper can quickly and easily find the desired category of meals and add them all with a single click. This simplifies the shopping experience and benefits both sides, as Dineamic boosts its Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Bundle as product

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Line Furniture uses Bundle as Product

Line furniture simplifies its shoppers lives by offering complete furniture sets in different styles. Now shoppers can easily find their favorite living room and save while Line Furniture increases its AOV and number of orders.


Create Bundle as product

Complete the Bundle

Encourage shoppers to add the missing items to complete the bundle when they add items to cart

What is Complete the Bundle?

Complete the Bundle popup is a deal that appears when a shopper has added some items to their shopping cart but has not yet added all the recommended or related products that typically go together.

Why are brands using it?

How Sobel Home uses Complete the Bundle

Sobel Home never misses an opportunity to offer more products to its shoppers after they add an item to cart. By offering to complete the bundle, Sobel Home helps shoppers to discover additional related items that complement each other while increasing its order size.


Create Complete the Bundle

Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How By Benson uses Frequently Bought Together

By Benson never misses an opportunity to offer more options to its customers. While shoppers visit their product pages, they constantly offer to extend or upgrade the targeted product, resulting in better service and larger orders.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How By Benson uses Build Your Own Bundle

As a professional destination for home gardeners, By Benson understands that it might be tricky to select all the necessary tools to make your garden shine. That's why By Benson helps its shoppers choose bundles of tools with a single click, while boosting their Average Order Value (AOV).


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Good Store uses Build Your Own Bundle

Good Store encourages its shoppers to build their own custom bundles of soaps. They provide a variety of soaps to choose from and leave the selection itself to the shopper. This is fun, rewarding, and makes both sides happy.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How Westman Atelier uses Bundle as Product

Westman Atelier understands that the attention span of the average shopper is quite short. Furthermore, with numerous options available, it's often easier to opt for a suggested bundle that's already curated for you.


Create Bundle as product

Frequently Bought Together

Present bundles of products that are frequently purchased together, simplifying the decision-making process for your customers

What is Frequently Bought Together?

It is a recommendation scenario that suggests additional products to the shopper, which are often purchased by other customers in conjunction with the item they are currently viewing or considering purchasing.

Why are brands using it?

How Aim’n uses Frequently Bought Together

Aim'n never misses a shopper when it comes to its product pages. It utilizes the 'Frequently Bought Together' feature to suggest additional sizes to product viewers, ensuring that no shopper is left without a solution while keeping its main sizes as the default option.


Create Frequently Bought Together

Bundle as Product

Combine multiple individual products into a bundle and sell them as a single unit

What is Bundle as Product?

Bundle as Product scenario involves bundling multiple individual products together and selling them as a single unit. This strategy offers shoppers a curated selection of items that work together or complement each other.

Why are brands using it?

How BLANQI uses Bundle as Product

BLANQI make it easy for their shoppers to find complete maternity sets. While shoppers receive a fast, single-click shopping experience, BLANQI enjoys higher order amounts without investing any additional resources.


Create Bundle as product

Build Your Own Bundle

Offer shoppers the ability to create their own bundle of products by selecting from a range of available options

What is Build Your Own Bundle?

Build Your Own Bundle scenario provides shoppers with the flexibility to select specific items or features that best meet their individual needs and preferences. The selection is based on a pre-curated set of products by the merchant.

Why are brands using it?

How Carly Jean uses Build Your Own Bundle

Carly Jean offers its shoppers the opportunity to build their own custom looks by selecting the individual items that comprise their desired outfit. 'Build Your Own Bundle' enables Carly Jean to easily provide a personalized experience that shoppers love and want to return to again and again.


Create Build Your Own Bundle

Spend X Get Y

Encourage shoppers to spend a certain amount of money (X) in order to receive a specific benefit or reward (Y)

What is Spend X Get Y?

"Spend X, Get Y" promotions are designed to motivate shoppers to spend more money with the promise of receiving something valuable in return. It's a win-win situation where customers get a benefit, and the store increases its sales.

Why are brands using it?

How Proclamation Jewelry uses Spend X Get Y

Proclamation Jewelry encourages its shoppers to spend at least $500 on jewelry in-store to receive free shipping. This is a win-win for both the shoppers, who get free shipping (which can be expensive at times), and the brand, which maintains a higher average order value.


Create Spend X Get Y


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